Pelosi bills this package as an economic stimulus, but only seven percent of the legislation actually goes towards infrastructure. The rest is a gift to liberal groups for the Democrats' election successes.
I wonder what it will take for people to realize that socialism doesn't work. Just look at other countries who have adopted this form of government. You know the whole idea of "don't worry about anything, you'll be taken care of" mentality sounds quite familiar. Kinda like the preexistence and the whole war in heaven sorta thing. Wait what was that war all about? Two brothers with different ideas on how would help us return to live with God again. Now wait what were those ideas? Aw yes thats right, one that was presented by Lucifer, that everyone, no matter what, would again return to God again. Sounds like a good plan right? I mean God loves us all so he must have picked that plan right? Nope, I am sorry, it seems that this is something we must work at, but why? Well the first plan would have put us here and get a body which we need right? Then we would be given eternal life and everyone would be happy and have the experience we were supposed to have right?
Well do you typically know how to do something without doing it yourself? Maybe you do, I know that for me, unless I learn how to do it and actually do it. Like riding a bike, looks easy to do, until you hop on and give it a try, and another try, and another until it finally comes to you. Failure is a part of life, get used to it. Failure makes us try harder and we succeed, the success is that much sweeter.
A story my dad told me comes to mind. Although I don't remember it word for word, it's meaning is powerful.
There was once this young boy who had become of age to start driving. He asked his dad if he would get buy him a car, and his dad told him no, but that if he worked and saved up a thousand dollars and brought it to him, then they would go out and buy him a car. The son agrees and leaves. A week later he is still trying to figure out how is going to make a thousand dollars to give to his dad and tells mom of his problem. Mom being the kind person that she is, gives her son the thousand dollars, but tells him not to give it to dad right away so dad won't wonder how he got the money so fast. A month later he approaches his dad who is standing by the fire and hands him a shoe box with the thousand dollars inside. The father tells him what a good job that he has done, and how hard he must have worked to get the money. Then the father dumps the shoebox out into the fire. They both sat quietly and watched the money burn. The son then got upset and asked what he was doing, the father replied " when you earn a thousand dollars then come talk to me about getting you a car."
The son grumbling left feeling like he had been cheated. The next day he leaves and gets a job. With the low paying job that he has he realizes it is going to take him forever to get the thousand dollars, so he gets a second job and works all he can with the vision of the car in the back of his mind. Months pass by and the mother becomes worried. Father reassures her that their son is fine and that he his finally learning how to work. The son finally comes home, looking tired and beat and walks up to his father and hands him the shoe box which had filled with the thousand dollars needed to buy the car. The father opens the box and looks inside. After seeing that the money is all there he once again dumps the money into the fire. The son goes ballistic, pushing dad out of the way, diving into the fire, pulling out all the money that he could, money that he had earned. The father puts his hand on his sons shoulder and pulls him back. "Now that I know you earned the money, lets go get you that car."
When we sacrifice we give value to that we have sacrificed for.
If you give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he'll be able to eat his entire life.
Well now that I have vented a little, I'll finish up with some questions and some quotes. These questions I have had for a very long time so if you have an answer please help me out here.
Why do people think it is okay to steal from one person and give it to another?
Why do people think abortion is okay but that the death penalty isn't?
Why is there a spot on forms to fill in what race you are if we are trying for racial equality?
Why are Atheist offend by the 10 commandments if they don't believe in God?
Why so many whys? Seems everything sounds a bit hypocritical.
“It isn’t that liberals are ignorant, its just that they know so much that isn’t so.”
- Ronald Reagan
“Being ignorant is not so much a shame, as being unwilling to learn.”
- Benjamin Franklin
“The price of apathy towards public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.”
- Plato
“Our first responsibility is not to ourselves. Our first responsibility is to our country.”
- Alan Keyes
“The best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it.”
- Benjamin Franklin
“Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country.”
“All the constitution guarantees is the pursuit of happiness. You have to catch up with it by yourself.”
- Benjamin Franklin
“The fundamental premise of liberalism is the moral incapacity of the American people.”
- Alan Keyes
“Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both.”
- Benjamin Franklin
“Collecting more taxes than is absolutely necessary is legalized robbery.”
- Calvin Coolidge
“Freedom has cost too much blood and agony to be relinquished at the cheap price of rhetoric.”
- Thomas Sowell
“You have enemies? Good. That means you’ve stood up for something, sometime in your life.”- Winston Churchill
“Life’s Tragedy is that we get old to soon and wise too late.”
- Benjamin Franklin
“Nothing in our Constitution suggests that government is a grantor of rights. Instead, government is a protector of rights.”
- Walter E. Williams