So I have some pretty cool roommates/friends up here in provo. Monday Dec 8 was the 24th anniversary of my birth and of those 24 years this was the first surprise party that I have had, and I was pretty surprised.
The day started off pretty good, waking up at 11, and then heade
d off to see about getting a key to the sh
ooting range. When I left the apartment it was snowing, actually it was a little more like sleet then snow. After I found the provo parks and recreation office and got the key headed home to get all packed and ready for shooting. My buddy James from back home shows up, and we show off our guns. He had a glock 19, which he carried concealed, a .40 beretta, and this crazy short barrel, pistol grip shotgun with a folding stock and light.
We get up to the range and the gate is already open so we just drive on in. There were some others at the rifle range which didn't bother us cuz we were going to the pistol range. The target stands at the pistol range were like 50 yards from the firing line,
which is way too far away for us, good thing we were the only ones at the pistol range. After getting our targets put up and the guns loaded we start to realize how cold it is at squaw peak. We get closer to the targets, prob about 25 yds back and emptied a couple of clips into our targets. We shot slow, fast, one hand, left hand. Now
the left hand I don't know if I'll try that again, after almost having the gun hop out of the hands, the gun is definitely a two handed gun, well if you wanna hit anything your pointing it at accurately.
We go back to the firing line and load the clips back up, which by this time is way hard since the hands don't seem to work when they are cold. So we hop in the car defrost for a lil bit, and then continue shooting. After a lil bit, my buddy pulls out the shotgun and we shoot a couple bird loads which have some kick but is fun. Then he pulls out these 00 buckshot loads to shoot. The sucker kicked pretty hard and you could see where you hit the mountain from 50 yds away. It gets better, then he pulls out some magnum 00 buc
kshot. Those suckers kicked so hard it feels like the shotgun was going to be ripped from your hands, and they kinda hurt to shoot. By this time we were plenty cold and ready to head home.
When I arrived at the apartment I started getting ready for our FHE activity. We needed a white elephant gift which is pretty hard to find at the last second. I grabbed a tin of bath and body works cinnamon mints as my gift and Jake and
skye got theirs. At the activity I totally got a prada purse that I will be giving my mom for christmas. After FHE Jake wanted to go to the gym but we had to make it a quick one since we where going to go to dinner and skye didn't want to stay out late. So we get to the gym, (monday we work chest and back) have a good quick workout followed by some laps in the pool. The swimming is something we recently started and now since we have no job, it makes it a lot easier to do. It has definitely started to pay off. Jake and I have started to notice that the little stomach padding getting thinner and thinner. So although when we swim we feel like we are going to drown, it will probably be something that we will continue to do for awhile.
At 9:45 I get out and am rushing so we
won't be late for skye. I shower off

and go out on the pool deck to gather my belongings and Jake is still on deck, texting away. At this point I was starting to get a bit irritated because I didn't want to be late. I quickly changed and to show Jake he needed to hurry up I went out to the car and started it, waiting for him. Then skye calls, he needs me to grab paper because we are all out. I was not happy that I was being asked to grab some pap
er for my printer which I would have paper for if I didn't let others use it. At this point we now have a valid excuse if we were to be late since we needed to pick up some paper. As jake hops in the car Suzette calls and wants me to grab her a coke, now this is fine since we already have to go to the store to grab some paper.
When we get to the store Jake gets out, I kinda drop him off and pull the car around to wait for him. I was relieved that Jake was going to pay for the coke and the paper, so I felt a lil better. Finally, after what seemed like 30 min Jake shows up and hops in the car and I speed away like a getaway driver, still determined to be on time. The drive home we hit every red light possible which just added to my steam. Then we get home a
nd I only have my car key and jake only has his phone and the door is locked. Often times when we come home the door is locked, even if someone is home, which added a lil more steam as I pounded and rang the doorbell. The door is unlocked and I rush in and am surprised to see a ton of ppl in the apartment, who all yell surprise and kinda freak me out, and start singing happy birthday. It was nice. There was cake and more girls then there were guys. What more could anyone want on their birthday? With all the p
ent up steam now gone the party was a lot of fun.
And to all those who came, I just wanna say thanks. I had no idea of a surprise party and thank you for coming, and thanks to the two who made it all happen, Jake and Skye.

1 comment:
Hey! I'm glad you had a good birthday!! I bet you didn't know now I can spy on you from your blog, huh? =) See you tomorrow!
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